
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spray paint fail

Well...I didn't think you could really screw up spray painting...but I managed to! Ok, so it wasn't really my fault (obviously I can work a can of spray paint), but the paint colour did not turn out like I imagined...

Remember those stools I found on the curb wayyyyyyy back when? (Way, way back when in March...yikes). Well, my amazing mom made some cushions (which I still owe a how-to post on since she was so good with taking pictures as she went!), and then I decided to spray paint them navy.

I bought the paint, and even primed the stools, and yet this is what happened after one coat:

Yah...does that look like navy? No. It looks like DENIM.  Denim stools were not what I was going for.

2 cans of spray paint later and I get this:

Less acid-washey, but still denim.


I do not take blame for the colour - this is clearly more of a royal blue than it is navy (or Levi's1992. Can I become a paint namer?). What I do take blame for is the fact that I chose glossy finish by accident...yikes.

These stools will be getting a few coats of matte black spray paint, stat. THEN you will be able to finally see them in all the glory I pictured 5.99 months ago (eek).

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend recap: road trip + wedding = tasty treats

Ok, so I know a week and a half ago I made that big I'm Back! proclamation...and proceeded to not post anything since...I really am sorry...but I've been using my time to catch up on rest, friends, summer, reading blogs and other things like working, laundry, cleaning (blech).

I'm back with a quick little weekend recap post today...

On Saturday I was so excited to attend a great friend's wedding. It was out of town, so involved a little road trip, a cute B&B, and amazing times with friends (why do those times always fly by too quickly?)? Along the way I took some shots of things that I thought were fun...and looking through them they are basically all if you're hungry right now you may or may not want to look away. There's your warning...

I'll share my favourite first - the bride's father makes honey and keeps bees, so he graciously put together many jars of honey for the wedding and we got to take them home!
*All graphic design done by the bride
There were tons of cute details at this wedding - not the least of which are the yellow and white gingham runners and honey toppers.
The couple provided "wedding advice" mad-libs to include in their guest book. I have to say my table came up with some pretty hilarious ones and I hope the bride and groom get a kick out of them. They also had a digital photo printer at the guest book table - you plug in your camera, choose a picture of yourself to print, print it, afix it to a guest book page and sign. This is the first time I had seen that and I thought it was brilliant!
Some of the other things we got up to:
Schnitzel house where we had lunch in Eganville on Saturday
Poutine stop on the way home on Sunday! SO good...
Wild blueberry pie purchased from the side of the road...tasty...
So there you have a little taste of our gluttonous was yours?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I'm back!

I survived my first day back at work following two weeks of vacation bliss...and now to post a little something something to get you guys drooling before I have time to post a proper vacation round up (probably not until next week..sorry!). I hope you enjoyed my awesome guest posters while I was gone.

The Mr. and I spent the last two weeks in lovely Kauai, Hawaii. Here's a very quick glance at some of the stuff we got up to:

We hiked here and SWAM under the falls! Major highlight

And that's just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to the beauty of Kauai...more from me later...'till then tah tah!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Guest Post | Would you wear your rug? (Lindsey from Recreated)

We have another fabulous guest poster here today! Lindsey from Recreated is popping over for a visit and sharing her interpretations of how fashion inspires decor (and vice versa!). Lindsey has a great eye for fashion and is always wearing an outfit I want to steal when I see her. She's also a very talented re-upholsterer. I recommend checking out her blog if you haven't already for regular decor, fashion, and furniture inspiration!
Hello all! Lindsey here from Recreated. I'm happy to be here today visiting Interior Groupie for one of my favourite blogger peeps Heather while she is taking a well deserved vacation. I'm a big believer that design/decor for your home inspires your wardrobe and vice-versa. You don't often find someone with very classic/refined home decor but with a very eclectic wardrobe...your personal style generally tends to follow you in all aspects of your life. Today I've put together some examples of where different flooring options inspire an outfit....hmm, or maybe the other way around.
The bright pops of coral and pink in this combo just make me smile....
via 1, 2

Hmm, some stripey grey than dress.
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Holy herringbone....someday I will own a home that has herringbone hardwood floors. They look so freakin' fab.
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Ok so I chose the outfit photo below not just because it had the lovely teal and yellow from the rug, but also because that model looks an awful lot like the gorge Miss Interior Groupie herself, no? Hello, doppelganger. Does anyone else see it?
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I enjoy a pretty tile, and the colour combo of this one is unexpected and lovely.....and that burgundy leather skirt makes me weak in the knees.
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Thanks, Heather for having me! Happy to come by and visit any time!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guest Post | Taking a dip (Barbara from Hodge Podge)

Today I am thrilled to have a guest post from Barbara at HodgePodge. Barbara is the blog maven behind the "So Canadian, Eh?" series that is oh so successful (and that I was honoured to be included in). She is also a master sewer, DIYer extroadinaire, and busy west coast mom. If you don't know Barbara yet I highly recommend a visit to her blog.

Hello everyone. So glad Heather trusted me with her blog  while she is on vacation. She gave me carte blanche to write about anything I want! Brave girl :)
So what shall I humour you with? I think I'll talk about what I see as being the next rage around blogland, heck I am even going to try my hand at it since I LOVE me a great DIY!
 Dipped furniture and fabric!
There is something so whimsical and fun about it. You can dip just about anything. Table legs, chair legs, baskets, drapes, even clothes!

I LOVE the drapes and I have a few pairs of those Ikea drapes kicking around my house. And I have a set of knock-off Bentwood chairs that are getting the dipped treatment too.
Anyone else out there try their hand at dipping? I can see it becoming addictive!
Thanks for having me here Heather. Hope you are having a great vacation!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Guest Post | Beautiful BC (Kerry from First TIme Fancy)

Today I have Kerry from First Time Fancy guest posting. I met Kerry at my first blog meet and greet, but felt as though I knew her long before that from reading her blog. She is super sweet and also SO good at responding to people when they comment on  posts - I love that! Kerry did an amazing job renovating and updating her Toronto home and she has since moved out to B.C. to a new place to apply her project skills! Make sure to check out her blog for all of her latest adventures and projects!


Hi there Interior Groupie readers. I'm Kerry from First Time Fancy, and I'm so happy to be taking over for the lovely Heather today. Normally, I would love to share with you one of the many projects we've worked on for our new rental on the West Coast, however, we haven't really worked on too many projects lately, as we've been far too busy exploring our new surroundings. With that being said, today I wanted to share with you some of the beautiful places we've experienced out here on Canada's West Coast, so why not come and explore with us?...

When we moved back in April, we were anxious to get out and start taking in the sights and first on our list was Whistler. How could it not be? Only about 2 hours from where we were living, it was high on our to-do list, so early one Saturday we packed into the car and made the trek out there. Even with the weather not being the best, the Sea to Sky Highway did not disappoint...
And neither did the sights at Whistler resort, or the marine parks on the drive back home...
Seriously, how did we get so lucky to live somewhere so beautiful!? That's not even the tip of the iceberg, either! We've spent a good amount of time exploring, and showing visitors around Vancouver - visiting Stanley Park, Granville Island, Cypress Mountain and the Vancouver Aquarium (just to name a few places)...
PicMonkey Collage
Our favourite adventures are still in the great outdoors, and of course there is a ton of that to see out here. Not too far from home we've taken the time to explore the beautiful town of White Rock, and have only just started to scratch the surface of the majestic Golden Ears Park...
PicMonkey Collage
Other adventures have taken us further, like the day we spent out near Hope, visiting Hell's Gate and the Othello Tunnels. Thankfully, the rainy weather will never deter us from exploring somewhere new...
PicMonkey Collage
Having the opportunity to live and explore the West Coast is more than we ever expected, but we are loving every second of it! Have you ever visited the West Coast? Where should we go next? What are some of your travel tips for B.C., Alberta and Washington State? I'd love to get some great suggestions from other travellers!
Thanks Heather, for having me stop by and share our travel adventures with your readers! It's always a pleasure to stop by. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Faves - 2012 Olympics

Do you love the Olympics? There is something about it that gets people talking, and gets people watching and loving sport. Nothing like a little patriotic fever to get people together, right?

I am partial to gymnastics and diving events, but I'll also be trying to catch tennis and swimming (swimming is always exciting!). What's your favourite summer olympic event?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Guest Post | Painted Ceilings (Carol from The Design Pages)

Hello all! As I mentioned, I will be having some lovely guest posters popping by over the next little while, and one of them is Carol from The Design Pages. Carol is a talented designer who is a kindred spirit! Somehow we found each other in blogland and have emailed back and forth since...we have similar tastes in books too - Carol is my partner in Crime for the Blogger Book Club. Check out some of Carol's insight below and her blog for a regular dose!


Hello to all of you Interior Groupie readers.  I"m so happy to be here today at one of my very favourite blogs.  When Heather said I could write about anything I knew immediately that it would involve colour.  This trend may not be new to you or maybe it is but it's one that I adore and have plans of my own to incorporate into our home.
For years and years I've been trying to convince clients to be brave and do a bit of colour on the ceiling instead of just plain white.  White ceilings tend to draw the eye up but by adding either a tint of the wall colour or a shade lighter than the wall colour it becomes invisible, which is really what we want, right?  We really don't need to emphasize the ceiling, right?  Well now I'm seeing a brand new trend.  Painted ceilings.  I don't mean a little bit of colour but I mean an actual paint colour.  
This brave homeowner added a big punch of colour but I love the way it connects with the colour down below in the print.

Blue is the most popular ceiling colour right now because of the feeling of the sky and the connection to outdoors.  If you live in the west coast as I do you have a need to see blue sky even if it's indoors.

If you're really daring you can attempt something amazing like this
This ceiling was gold leafed which creates a light shimmery effect.  Maybe a great solution for a dark space.

I love this kitchen.  What a great way to distract from the dated, cramped space with all the drama.

SOOOO, what do you think?  Are you brave enough to add some colour to your ceiling?