
Book club

I am so excited for this announcement...Carol from The Design Pages and I are starting a Book Club!
For a while now, I've listed the books that I am reading or have recently read on my sidebar...readers will comment here and there - mostly saying they loved the book I'm reading, or asking what I thought of some of my past reads. Carol in particular had some great book suggestions for me, and we seemed to have a lot of similar book loves!  Everyone spends so much time online, but it's still nice to sit down with an actual BOOK and read a story. So we sort of tossed around the idea of doing a book club...except she's in Vancouver, and I 'm in Toronto. Then we tossed idea of doing an online book club...and here we are...

Here are the details....

WHO - Everyone is invited to join.  As long as you love to read, you're invited - you do NOT have to have a blog to join (but we would love if you DO join, to add yourself as a follower of course)

WHAT - We'll announce the books well in advance so you have time to get your own copy.  As we announce the books we'll also include the review date and let you know which one of us will review the book.  We really want to hear from every single one of you who is reading along with us so on review day please stop by and add your review in the comments section or to a linky party (depending on how technologically advanced we can get!) 

WHERE - Each review will take place at either my blog or Carol's The Design Pages (we'll let you know where it's going to be in advance).

WHEN -We'll do a new review every 8-12 weeks or so

WHY - Because we love to read!

Book Review 1: The Paris Wife

Book Review 2: When God Was a Rabbit

Book Review 3: Day After Night 
Book Review 4: On Beauty (to be reviewed October 2012)