
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The tables

Here are some photos of the tables we picked up last night!

The end tables for our living room are new...a set of 3 "nesting tables".  I don't plan on using them as a set of 3 all together, but a couple of pieces together look good.  Here is a photo of them...haven't had the chance to decide exactly how I want them (or put anything on them for that matter -- a lamp search is next!).

You will have to bear with me until I get some "stuff" on them :)  We are also looking for a new couch, and chair options so soon enough (hopefully) our living room will be duly transformed.

The bedside tables were great Craigslist finds. I'm not crazy about the current colour so will be refinishing them, which is fine by us. The question is -- what colour?  I think white would lead to too much white with the white instead I am thinking a white-ish gray, or even a dark gray. The wall colour here looks gray, but it has more of a green tinge in real life. I need to research some options and think on it for a while, but here they are -- perfect size for our little spot!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather - thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Great craigslist finds for those nightstands! If you don't want to go white - why not try doing a pop of colour in the room on the nightstand? I think it could be really great if you have a lot of neutrals in the space! :)

    Looking forward to seeing what you do!


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