
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

101: cooks in the kitchen

Sarah101 focused on a kitchen this week! This is exciting as we are currently in no-man's land with regards to our kitchen. Not sure if we want to go to the trouble of doing a temporary fix of painting the cabinets only to actually renovate within the next couple of years.  Needless to say, anything kitchen grabs our attention these days.

In tonight's episode they kept the general layout of the kitchen the same (just repainted all the cabinetry).  The cabinetry was white and the island base a robin's egg blue. Nice fresh colour combo. The backsplash they chose had some pink and blue tones in it...I didn't like it up close, but in the end I thought it looked good when it was on the wall. One really clever idea they implemented was using stair treads as shelves in an open pass-through.  I am not crazy about the floor (multi-coloured large square tile pattern) but it brightens the kitchen up, which was one of their main goals. Another clever solution was to take a round mirror, knock the mirror out and put in a fabric-covered bulletin board. The round, oversized peice really worked in the kitchen.

Sarah and Tommy did a good mix of retro, antique and modern in this one without it becoming too "kitschy".

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