
Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog Appreciation

I was thrilled to receive an award from Carol over at the Design Pages on Friday (who knew anyone was doing anything but watching the wedding??).  If you aren't familiar with her blog make sure to pop over - it's great.

Thanks so much Carol for thinking of me! The award is intended for blogs with fewer than 300 followers. Now it's time for me to pay it forward. I thought it would be easy choosing blogs with less than 300 followers, but it turns out I follow a lot of them. Here are three home-based blogs that I regularly go to for inspiration (aside from Carol's of course):

The Mustard Ceiling

just bella


  1. Thanks for the blog award lady! :) I'll be passing it along to some fellow bloggers tomorrow!

  2. Congrats! That is so wonderful ;)


  3. Aww, thank you so much for thinking of me!! :)


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