
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Sunday

It's Sunday, which usually means cramming in as much as possible before Monday-work-time, however the Mr. and I are taking a vacation day tomorrow to make it an extra long weekend. 4 days? I think so.  Although we have done a lot of work on the porch (it's ready for priming and painting! which likely will not happen for another few weeks...) we have also done:

A fair bit of this:

via - we had a gas BBQ line installed last week and got a new BBQ! We are slow cooking ribs while I write this...

A little bit of this:
via - I got out for my first game of the year on Canada Day and it was great (Ok, I'm not headed for a golf blog or the LPGA anytime soon, but it was nice to get out)

A bit more of this:
via - I wish I looked this cute when I ride my bike

Some of this:

and definitely some of this:

I hope you all had a lovely weekend - and happy 4th of July to my American friends! Since I won't be working, I guess I can celebrate as well :)


  1. Sounds like a fab weekend Heather! :) So jealous of your beer consumption! Enjoy your extra day off tomorrow!

  2. Ooh Happy Long Weekend Heather! Hope you are having a wonderfully relaxing time. Cheers!


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