
Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy long weekend!

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend here in Ontario - it's been a gorgeous weekend, to go with our trend of a gorgeous summer.

The Mr. and I started the weekend off celebrating his birthday with a round of golf on Friday, then hosting a BBQ on Saturday. He outdid himself with the menu - ribs (slow cooked for 6 hours), chicken, corn on the cob, beer (of course), a couple of salads and desserts from friends, and I made a peach cobbler with Ontario peaches. YUMM (sorry it was too yummy and messy to remember to take photos). It was a great afternoon/evening on Saturday.

Yesterday we kicked around the city and hit up Sugar Beach after a nice bike ride through the Don Valley

Today we'll take full advantage of the extra day off and the nice weather. Hope you all had / are having a great weekend.

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