
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


{Warning...this post contains photos of a meal and a couple of treats - if you are hungry, step away from the computer, grab a satisfying snack and come back to read. Or better yet, read and hopefully my treats will guide your appetite :) }

Remember when I said last week that I had the urge to cook with this cooler weather in the air? Well, cook I did. I made a whole whack of food this weekend and it was delicious. I might have to get serious about inviting more people over to the Guest Room to help eat it all :) Just joking...we're making good headway in the eating department, and rightfully so - we tackled a few projects this weekend that I'll be featuring throughout the week.

But first, the food.

It started with me having a hankering for pie...and I had a ball of pastry dough in the freezer, so the tough part was done. I didn't see any Spy apples at the grocery store, so I went for pecan pie instead - my mom's recipe is amazing and this one didn't disappoint:
And, the finished product:

I had a little extra pie dough (and luckily, some buttertart filling in the freezer) so I made some mini tarts:
When I say mini, I mean mini....bite sized, even for me. And for anyone in my family who knows how small a "Heather sliver" of cake or pie can be, me saying something is small means something!

That covered desert on Saturday, for dinner we made "Chicken Paprika Birds" from the Autumn 2010 Food & Drink magazine. This is a great recipe for a hearty but not heavy dinner - click here for the recipe.
I tried to get a photo of it when the sauce came together, but it was too steamy! And when I plated them with egg noodles and steamed vegetables, my picture taking had run out of steam and I just wanted to if you want to see what it all looks like, I highly recommend making them yourself , they're delicious (I cut the recipe in 1/2 and use yoghurt in place of the sour cream).

Sunday morning we had french crepes for brunch - so tasty and just like they are on the street in Paris! At first I was using a non-stick pan (don't bother) - my advice is to use a metal pan and just a little bit of butter brushed on and they'll work perfectly.

Classic, with citron and sucre

With black currant spread (PS - this "jam" is is litterally a jar of full black currants. Pure preserved fruit, barely any "jelly". Delicious. Obviously, it's from France).

I also made pumpkin muffins, but at that point I just questioned how much more food you could handle on my little ol' interiors blog.

But there you have it, my weekend in food. :)  How was yours?


  1. CREPES! Why do I always forget about crepes? YUMMM.

  2. yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

  3. Yum! Your post is making me hungry! And the citron and sucre crepes were my fave in Paris!

  4. Ooh...Heather. Why must you get my saliva going when the bakeries are all closed!!! I am so craving all of these ;) You're one talented Lady!

  5. I've always wanted to try baking a pecan pie, as it is my favorite!! But It always seemed so intimating, perhaps I'll give this one a whirl. It looks so delish!

  6. Yum, yum, yummy! Now I desperately want to eat, but in all fairness, you did warn me! (c: That looks absolutely amazing and now I really need to get me some pie! (c:

  7. Why, oh why didn't I heed your advice. I'm so hungry right now and after reading this all I want is a pie for breakfast.

  8. Okay, I know you warned me, but this looks soooo good - and right before lunch ;)


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