
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Guest poster - stylish closets

Today I have a Guest post from Design Shuffle, looking at gorgeous closets! You know that we recently did our closet project, so this post definitely hits close to home :) Hope you enjoy it...


Hi all, I’m Susi, a writer for Design Shuffle, a fabulous social media site where you can browse through tens of thousands of photos from designers from around the world. Speaking of around the world, I'm happy to be guest blogging for Interior Groupie and Heather in Toronto. As someone who lives in an older home with tiny closets, I have major closet envy. So here are some of my favorite fantasy closets with loads of style and cool decorating ideas. A girl can dream!
Apartment Therapy via

When I think of stylish closets, I still think of Carrie's closet from Sex and the City. It's probably all the amazing clothes and shoes in the closet. Love the blue paint and open storage in this hall closet.
Honey We're Home via

This custom closet looks more like a boutique than closet. Love the chandelier and center table/island for storage. Color coding clothes helps give a closet that boutique look.
Pinterest via

Even a small walk-in closet can be stylish when well organized. Love all the cubbies for sweaters and the colorful shoe display.

The via
Old Post Road

Traditional style makes this closet stylish. A window lets natural light pour into the space. Love the mirrors on the tall cabinet doors and other great interior design ideas.
La Dolce Vita via

More dressing room than closet, I love this room's elegance. The stylish antique table in the center is gorgeous.
The via
Old Post Road

Wallpaper is a stylish addition to any closet (even tiny Victorian ones.) A chandelier is a glamorous touch for a walk-in closet or dressing room.
Marcus Design via

Dramatic black cabinets are stunning in this stylish closet. Recessed lighting provides ample light for choosing an outfit while the chandelier provides glamour. Good interior designs combine beauty and function—this lovely closet does just that.

Martha Stewart via

A well organized closet can be chic even if it is small. This coat closest has tons of style and storage options despite its diminutive size.

This post has been created by Design Shuffle, a social-media network created specifically for those who love interior design.


Thanks Design Shuffle! I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did...I love that 4th photo where everything is neatly put away :) Make sure to check out Design Shuffle for more images and ideas.


  1. Ooh - major closet envy!! I love the idea of wrapping wallpaper up and around the ceiling, and the walk-in with the shoes front and centre is actually my favourite, maybe because it seems attainable! Thanks for all the ideas..

  2. Thanks so much for allowing us to guest post! It looks great!

  3. I looove walkin closets - would adore one myself, what lovely inspiration:) Have a sunny day,

  4. oh to have a closet like any of those...

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