
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Style trends

Style at Home contacted me about some of fall's trends - you may have seen this on a couple of other blogs, but I couldn't resist jumping in and giving my own spin on the trends. See below for the trends, and some interior groupie perspective on them :)

1. Wood
Style at Home features some great wooden objects including a wooden watch (!), a beautiful tray, and log vases. Here are some additional ideas to incorporate the nice warmth of wood into your decor this fall or winter:

the "new" wood pannelling - via Pinterest

Taupe, sage, and lilac are the new trends that Style at Home is focused on for fall - check out the link above to get some great paint colour options! Here's my take on things:

Taupe - via Pinterest

My guest room, painted with Benjamin Moore Saybrook Sage

Lilac pillows - via Pinterest

3. Modern Global
This could basically mean anything, Style at Home has narrowed it down to some great examples including mixing and matching patterns.

This buddha's a bit big (like, real life size big...scary) but you get the idea :) - via Pinterest


  1. I do like the wooden coasters and those lanterns, wow!

    Oh yea, Buddha = too big!

  2. fun! love the colour of your guest room. :)

  3. Fantastic post, Heather! Love your finds and your guest room paint colour!

  4. Um, can we go back to the part where Style at Home contacted you!!!! Great images except for that creepy, skinny buddha. Wouldn't you feel like some guy was just going to stand up at any second and scare the crap out of you?

  5. Great inspiration Heather! :) I loved doing my post on these trends... and think I'll be incorporating some of it into our home this fall.. if I can find the time haha ;)


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