
Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday faves - spring feeling

Tulips are my favourite flowers - I just love them and I always think of spring when I see on this dreary, wet, sort of snowy/sleety/something Friday - some spring for everyone :) Happy Friday!


  1. I feel exactly the same way. I just brought some tulips home thinking that spring will suddenly appear if I do that:)

  2. Favourites here too! I also dedicated a post to them a little while back. Happy Friday!

  3. Lovely! I now wish I had picked up some pretty flowers when Halle and I were out grocery shopping this morning! Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Heather! Thank you for stopping by my blog + your lovely comment! So nice to meet you! Tulips are a favourite of mine, the vibrant colours always brighten things up! Hope you have a wonderful weekend xx

  5. There is a storm brewing here and I bought myself a bunch today as well to remind me that spring is on its way! Love how you have yours arranged!

  6. I LOVE tulips, they so bring that bit of spring inside despite the ICK that is happening outside!

  7. Tulips are one my favourite flowers.... the grocery store I go to has buckets of them for $5, so I pick up of a bunch with almost each grocery shop - have a great weekend!

  8. Oh these are lovely! We have some springing up and cant wait till they pop open.
    Have a fun weekend ahead!
    x, Anna

  9. I have been buying a lot of tulips pretty and really brighten up a space.

  10. Great minds think alike...I just bought tulips yesterday. They are indeed the most cheery flowers. The definition of Spring!


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