
Monday, April 16, 2012

Congratulations to my mom

I hope you all had a great weekend! It's been a bit quiet arond here, but I assure you it's for a very good reason...

I went back to Ottawa Wednesday evening to celebrate my mother's retirement. She has been working at the same institution for 38 years (woah - I know!). They threw her a shin dig on Thursday evening and it was great to see so many people come out and celebrate her career. She gave an excellent speech, citing some of the many changes that have come around in her career (for instance - computers. Yah...and email...not small changes here when it comes to how we work).

My mom was always a working mom and both her and my dad did an amazing job juggling successful careers, AND providing me and my sister an extremely stable and happy home life.

Thanks mom and dad.

They are now both retired and can live the life! They deserve it.


  1. Congrats indeed! And if she worked for one of the major employers in Ottawa, she is guaranteed to have a super great retirement life! I have a few of those in my family, and I am seriously wondering why I didn't start out my career like them. :-)

  2. Woohoo!! I am super excited for MOM! May health and happiness be theirs as they participate in adventures they made possible for us and supported us in over the years - travel, new hobbies and many celebrations! Fun blog post sister!


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