
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow...

Back to work today...instead of talking about that, let's take another little look-see at some of the stuff we did on the weekend. In addition to the backyard and herb planting I shared yesterday, we added some floral touches to our front yard.
 I love the colour of these bogonias with our gray porch!

We have a challenge with our front flower beds...the soil is very very sandy, and gets full sun. So, a lot of the stuff we have planted in the past has just uped and died because the plants can't handle the conditions. We added some peat moss and compost to the soil (peat moss acts as a sponge to keep moisture in, and compost provides nutrients) and chose plants that the nice people at Bill's Garden Centre directed us to.

Here were the gaps we were looking at before:

And now filled in a little bit:
Those little sprouts will eventually bloom with orange flowers...and they're perennials! Which means if they live, they'll come back year after year. I hope they will fill out in a couple of years. The giant bush in the middle of this photo is lavender. If you have full sun, dry soil, get some lavender! It smells amazing and it really took off again this year (it's a perennial too).
In the front bed we put two little plants that should bloom with yellow flowers. 

I'm happy with how it's filling's true what they say about gardening - you have to do it bit by bit. Plant some stuff, see what lives, what dies, what takes over, and what maintains its shape / size before adding too many other things.  It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm hoping in another month or so we will have some great blooms to show for it!

Kitchen Container Potager + Outdoor Extravaganza Link Party


  1. Lookin good! That is a great spot for that orange. I wish my lavender survived, but I have the opposite issue in my backyard, poor draining clay. It's killed off many a good plant. The front gets better drainage and honestly I've packe it so full of perennials its nuts.
    But off I went Saturday morning to buy even more... It's a sickness I swear. Right now though with the Lilly I the valley each time we go in and out, it's awesome

  2. I'm with you, bit by bit. I'm amazed how some stuff just dies, other stuff grows like gangbusters, and some others will die in one spot then 50 feet away grow! I love the pop of orange you'll get against the lavender, it will be awesome.


  3. In gardening patience is a virtue, and I'm generally not that patient (ok, not at all). But I find I'm a bit more patient with gardening, maybe because you see something grow and it's so satisfying. I also find it very cathartic work in the garden.

  4. I LOVE those orange flowers! Total showstoppers.

  5. Beautiful flowers Heather! I adore the vibrant oranges you chose. So lovely and so on trend ;)

  6. Hey we are having a link party tomorrow for planting and flowers... you should stop by and link up! Details will be on tomorrow post from me! Love the planters!

  7. Love the colour!!

  8. Looks like you've been busy in the yard too! It's looking great. I really, really like the colour of those begonias!


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