
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Before & after: Cast iron pan

I am pretty excited about this post (the Mr. is at LEAST "pretty excited").

As you may remember from my Aberfoyle post, the only thing we left with from our exursion was a rusty cast iron frying pan (for a $5 bargain thanks to the Mr's negotiating skills):


I have to say, I was doubtful at best about this little project the Mr. was undertaking. But, he went to Canadian Tire and got the steel wool attachment for his drill and got to work.

After a lot of elbow grease (but thank god for the drill), and "seasoning" the pan with oil on a 500degree BBQ here is what he ended up with:

We could barely see the writing on the bottom of the pan before!

Pretty amazing isn't it?!?! I did ask if the Mr. wanted to write a guest post for this, but he said that the hard labour and elbow grease was more up his alley. I'm happy to take that and do the writing instead!

Speaking of guest posts...if any of you are interested in guest posting on Interior Groupie let me know! Contact me at if you're interested (I would need it by July 27th).


  1. Wow!! The husband's elbow grease definitely paid off! Looks great!

  2. your husband's got some skills!

  3. Ooh nicely done! Much better than the other one, great rescue job. Regeneration karma points trump that small monetary difference me thinks

  4. Wow, that is some serious elbow grease. I'm super impressed!


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