
Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday faves - pin-to-the-rest

Hello Friday!! I love short weeks, don't you?

This week I was pinning a fair bit over on Pinterest and I realized that I pin a lot...but I rarely go back through my pins to see what I have! So I did just that and picked some of my favourite pins for this week's Friday Faves.

Enjoy the eye candy :) (All images via my Pinterest - if you are going to Pin anything please go to either my Pinterest page or the source to repin)

How do you like that pretty?

Happy weekend all.


  1. i need a good pin now & again too! Have that skirt in teh first image....don't look as nearly as glamorous as her!! happy friday

  2. Happy Friday Heather!
    I love that green tufted chesterfield. Eek. Delightful.
    Great pins dear...wishing you a lovely weekend. Can't wait to see what you pin next ;)

  3. The cinnamon scroll bun things are making me hungry!!

  4. i'd love to have one of those cinnamon buns right about now! great pins :)

  5. That first outfit is perfection! Love all of those images!

  6. That first outfit is perfection! And I pinned the second pic too, lol.


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