
Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend recap: road trip + wedding = tasty treats

Ok, so I know a week and a half ago I made that big I'm Back! proclamation...and proceeded to not post anything since...I really am sorry...but I've been using my time to catch up on rest, friends, summer, reading blogs and other things like working, laundry, cleaning (blech).

I'm back with a quick little weekend recap post today...

On Saturday I was so excited to attend a great friend's wedding. It was out of town, so involved a little road trip, a cute B&B, and amazing times with friends (why do those times always fly by too quickly?)? Along the way I took some shots of things that I thought were fun...and looking through them they are basically all if you're hungry right now you may or may not want to look away. There's your warning...

I'll share my favourite first - the bride's father makes honey and keeps bees, so he graciously put together many jars of honey for the wedding and we got to take them home!
*All graphic design done by the bride
There were tons of cute details at this wedding - not the least of which are the yellow and white gingham runners and honey toppers.
The couple provided "wedding advice" mad-libs to include in their guest book. I have to say my table came up with some pretty hilarious ones and I hope the bride and groom get a kick out of them. They also had a digital photo printer at the guest book table - you plug in your camera, choose a picture of yourself to print, print it, afix it to a guest book page and sign. This is the first time I had seen that and I thought it was brilliant!
Some of the other things we got up to:
Schnitzel house where we had lunch in Eganville on Saturday
Poutine stop on the way home on Sunday! SO good...
Wild blueberry pie purchased from the side of the road...tasty...
So there you have a little taste of our gluttonous was yours?


  1. Oh my - I love that homemade honey touch - especially since its so close to home for the bride! What a cute touch.

  2. Welcome back...for real this time:) Summer is a killer for blogs isn't it? Looks like a delicious trip you took.

  3. Ooh, I love the wedding details! The mad libs wedding advice idea especially. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  4. I am a full supporter of gluttonous weekends. That pie looks delicious.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. Welcome Back! xoxo P.S. that pie looked delicious. hmmm, pie.

  6. Loving that the take away was honey. What a cute idea...


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