
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Boo! happy halloween

Happy Halloween all!

Truth be told, I am not a huge Halloween fan. Sure, I like the candy (who doesn't??) but the whole costume-gory-fake-blood-evil-spirits thing doesn't really get me going. I'm happy to be "grown up" enough to like handing out candy more than anything else about the day. Today's supposed to be pretty chilly so hopefully we'll still get a good crowd of kids through! Here's our pumpkin this year:
(simple is as simple does)

And yes, I did save and clean all the pumpkin seeds to roast them up - that's my favourite thing about carving a pumpkin! (Oh, and the smell of pumpkins with candles in them. Just me?). And I saw this a little too late - totally going on my list for next year's pumpkin (now just to remember...).

Hope you all have a safe and happy halloween!


  1. We share the exact same sentiments when it comes to Halloween. Ask me to hand out candy to deserving little kids, of course. As me to dress up, no thank you!
    Your pumpkin looks great!

  2. Yeah, I'm not much into Halloween either much to the chagrin of my 10 yr old. Your pumpkin looks great - Happy Halloween Heather!

  3. Happy Halloween!!!!

    Seeing a classroom full of preschoolers dressed up IS THE BEST!!! (I just came from my son's class)

    LOVE YOUR PUMPKIN! I have two more I could carve (we did 4 yesterday and I got a blister)...I am tempted to steal your design!!

  4. I am with you. No blood and guts; yes to the candy!!


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