
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Weekend recap

It was another busy busy weekend, but some very exciting stuff happened! Before I get to all the details...have you entered my giveaway yet?

Saturday I went to Queen West for litterally the 4th or 5th weekend in a row (I like it there...but I've been doing so many trips that way for fabric samples, returns, and ordering)! Anyways, this trip was to pick up the fabric for my chair! Yahoo...I then went up to RE:Style studio to put the chair and fabric in Lindsey's capable hands! Speaking of...did you see my giveaway from RE:Style?? Head to yesterday's post to enter.

Then we headed to the gym, and after we got home I got busy with Christmas baking! I turned on the Christmas tunes (fully aware that it's not even December...but these things freeze perfectly!) and baked for a few are my finished concoctions (if you follow me on Instagram you'll have seen these!)
We call these "almond mice" in my family! They were my dad's mom's specialty (almond shortbread) be iced another day!
checkerboard cookies - this is the first time I've made these...Next time I would do it a bit differently, but they taste good!

Sunday I went (where else) to Queen West to meet up with a friend for brunch at The Saint on Ossington (so good!). We went antiquing after that where I picked up a snazzy little house treat...more on that later this week.

One more thing - Don't forget to enter my giveaway for One of a Kind tickets!!


  1. Oh those cookies look so good. I've been blasting a fair bit of christmas music here too. it only lasts until dec 25th so we mind as well soak it up!

  2. I haven't yet turned on the Christmas music, but I've finished a good chunk of my shopping. Those cookies look great - you're inspiring me to try some baking this year!

  3. I want christmas cookies. Now. But I don't have any. Can I come over? :)


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