
Monday, December 3, 2012

Holiday kick-off

I hope you are all in the holiday spirit now that it's December! The Mr and I hosted our annual Christmas Open House on Saturday. It seemed early when we sent the invite, but now that it has come and gone, the timing was perfect. It meant I had to get my butt in gear with baking, house decorations and the tree! Fortunately the Mr. was insistent that the tree was up in time for the party, so we had the full nine yards.

I will cover some of the DIY details tomorrow, but for now here are some photos to give a quick recap!

About 25 adults, 4 children under the age of 2 1/2, one visiting dog, and a partridge in a pear tree took part. Here come the holidays!


  1. Looks like a great party! Your house looks fantastic!

  2. Looks fabulous....wish I could have been there! So pretty!

  3. Love those little pennant garlands, Heather!. So charming.

  4. This looks so festive and exciting! I love the feeling in the house when it is all pimped out for a party, just waiting for the guests! Hope you all had fun. :)


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