
Monday, January 28, 2013

IDS 2013 - Recap

This past weekend was the Interior Design Show (IDS) in Toronto...if your twitter or instagram feed is anything like me, it was probably blowing up with #IDS info. I went to the opening gala on Thursday night and snapped some shots of the things that grabbed my attention.

Para Paints

This was hilarious...just a couple of models in our attention!

Everyone was swooning over this copper tub...sorry folks - for display only, not for sale.

What caught your attention?


  1. I was at the show Friday! I thought it was great!!! I loved cocoon's booth too, I chose them for a project I had to do on IDS because it was so pretty. And IKEA nailed it.

  2. so much fabulous inspiration! too bad I missed it. Great recap though!

  3. Such great inspiration! And that copper tub is fabulous!


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