
Monday, April 22, 2013

Bathroom progress {subfloor, drywall and tile oh my!}

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Ours was good - dinner with friends on Friday night, errands and some relaxing on a chilly Saturday, and then more relaxing and some clean up on a sunny Sunday. Overall, a pretty great weekend. Since the bathroom is now well under way there's not much for us to do on weekends - this is very "new" for us. We're used to being part of the progress instead of watching from afar. I have to say, it's pretty amazing to come home from work and see progress every day! If we were doing this on our own we would be nowhere close to where we are now, and we would have made more than a few rookie blunders along the way.

Before the drywall went up, the Mr. and I did some finishing touches on the framing, including framing out the spots for our recessed medicine cabinets:

Last week marked the subfloor being completed (the mr. did most of it, but our carpenter came in to finish off the tricky parts around the toilet), drywall going up, and tile going up! The ceiling also got fixed (from where we ripped out the wall), and some taping and mudding happened.
Well hello there, future home of the double vanity.

Sneak peak at my pretty new bathtub (we tried to protect it with plastic and tape...we'll see what happens :) ). We are going to have glass put as the third "wall" ontop of the pony wall (or knee wall) for a clean finish to the bathtub area.

On a non-construction note, I did some baking this weekend and tried a new muffin recipe for apple spice muffins from Smitten Kitchen.
They are delicious.

What did you get up to this weekend?


  1. Yay for progress! That tile is looking awesome already!

  2. ooh excited for your bathroom! and now I want a muffin.

  3. Oooh looking good! Loving seeing some great renovations coming together! So exciting! :)

  4. The bathroom looks amazing! Gotta love subway tile. Can't wait to see the reveal. So nice to have others doing the work so you have time to bake.

  5. Your bathroom seems to be coming together! A few more touches and a few more polish and it's all set! Those tiles may be simple, but it's timeless. It can work for modern and old school houses. Good job!

    Tomi Wilhoit


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