
Monday, May 20, 2013

May 2-4

I love long weekends.

Especially when they are filled with sunshine and time outside. This weekend definitely fit that mold - it was beautiful in Toronto! Everyone was out in their gardens and at the garden stores stocking up for the year.

We did the same, although we are fortunate that our house "came with" a lot of perennial landscaping! We have added things here and there over the past few years, and we always plant herbs and some veggies. This year we have garlic (planted last fall), tomatoes and lettuce. We have room for a bit more, so I'm thinking kale or swiss chard, and maybe some potatoes (only because we have some in our cold storage that are sprouty and could do worse than being planted and seeing what happens!).

What did you get up to?


  1. I'm so jealous! It felt like winter here on Saturday! Yesterday wasn't too back but it's taking forever for things to bloom!

  2. ooh pretty...we did - well my husband did plenty of garden primping this weekend too!

  3. It was a lovely weekend, wasn't it? And perfectly finished off with rain - just now! - to water all those plants! We filled our whole garden. We'll see how the veggies go this year!

  4. Ooh I would love a garden with kale!
    I pretty much worked all weekend! But I did sneak some family time in :)

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