
Thursday, February 17, 2011

A spring in my step...

...not only due to the new boots I wore today (that I now love and know they were meant to be), but due to the above zero temperatures, and the general feeling of spring in the air. The mounds of snow around Toronto have lowered significantly and the only time I like the sound of dripping water is when it is snow melting.  Today was by no means a beautiful spring day, in fact the morning walk to the subway was downright treacherous with said boots in a bag in one hand (to spare them from ice/snow/salt) and an umbrella in the other, with fresh freezing rain falling all over the sidewalk. I ended up walking along the road and managed without a tumble.  The rest of the day was cloudy, but the high point was leaving work without mittens and without have to brace myself against the cold as I stepped out of my office building.

Some spring images to inspire:

I want to be as lighthearted as her when it rains :)  And "parapluie" - the french word for umbrella - doesn't that sound like a much more glamourous way to enjoy rain?

bedrooms - green wallpaper turquoise blue chair  bright room peacockfeatherblog  green metallic wallpaper and turquoise blue chair.

I fully realize that I am jumping ahead of myself here, and not only could we have more snow but we still have some time for a cold snap. Just let me have my little moment of spring fever!


  1. That last image is amazing! Hoping Spring comes sooner than later!

  2. Oh my! That pic of pair of deliciously green bureaus is going straight into my inspiration folder! Heather, you have to get an email link - your comment about the bird art made me smile and I wanted to thank you - x

  3. There are so many things that I miss about Toronto but none of them involve winter:) I feel for you and I send positive west coast vibes to bring spring your way nice and early. Have a great weekend xo Carol

  4. Love the pics...especially the dining room with the faux bamboo chairs. Such beauties :)


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