
Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday faves - Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

Growing up in Ottawa (Canada's capital), I can say that there is NO WHERE else that celebrates Canada Day like Ottawa. Even Will & Kate will be spectators this year! That said, with a few Ottawa trips coming up over the next two weekends, the Mr. and I are holding back this year and celebrating Canada Day in Toronto.  We will miss this:

This is what Canada Day means to me. The streets of downtown Ottawa closed and pedestrian-friendly, many many many flags, red and white everywhere, and people breaking out into "Oh Canada" renditions every 5 minutes. Peaceful, friendly, and fun! Oh and don't forget the fireworks - my parents took me to see them right on the hill when I was a young girl and they needed a police escort to get me out because the noise scared me so much!

Alternatively, I have spent a few Canada Day's at cottages relaxing by the water, and when it gets dark the fire. Something a little like this:

To any of you in Ottawa - say hi to "the hill" for me if you go downtown this year. To any of you THINKING of going to Ottawa now or in the future for Canada Day - do it. It is a great experience.  This year, I will be enjoying a BBQ on our new BBQ in the backyard and raising a glass to Canada!

Happy Canada Day!


  1. I didn't know it was Canada day! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I LOVE celebrating Canada Day in Ottawa. I've only done it a few times (I went to University at Carleton)... but B and I already discussed yesterday that we'd like to go next year and bring the babe with us! Hope you had a great day yesterday Heather and enjoy the rest of the long weekend! :)

  3. Yay Canada! I must get to Ottawa one year for the celebrations. We seem to end up at the family cottage every year which is also nice.

  4. Happy Canada Day!! I hope you spot Will & Kate - that would be amazing!


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