
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Coffee Table books for Christmas

I love the idea of coffee table books - those that look pretty and are fun to look through.

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via Love with the Proper Stranger

Kate Spade's living room via From Me to You
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My question to you is - what coffee table books should make my wish list this year? Give me your old favourites, your new desirables, and some off the beaten path. Can't wait to hear your suggestions.


  1. The Hockey Book and The Football Book (both by SI). AWESOME coffee table books for guys nights!

  2. Love this look!
    And, I think "Undecorate" by Christine Lemieux for your wish list this year!

  3. I am going to try to pull this look off sometime in the near future - I just love it! P.S. Your "boob" lights comment made me laugh out loud! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I just saw a picasso one on the chapters website that caught my eye!
    amy @


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