
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What do people REALLY think of your blog? Here's how to find out...

I am really really excited about what I am about to share with you...

A lot of people (including yours truly) have 2012 goals for growing and developing their blog. I litterally stumbled upon another blog yesterday called Inspire Me Heather (ok, maybe the fact that the blogger's name was Heather had something to do with it...). Not only is this a great blog with a focus on all sorts of fun projects like calendars, printable gift tags, and snow globes (the blog directs you to various other blogs / sites depending on the project focus - genius!), but Heather has a fantastic Blog-based project going on right now.

The goal of this project is to get (and give) an honest critique of your blog from other bloggers. It's anonymous, and Heather is going to coordinate the whole thing (amazing).  If you want to get some feedback from other bloggers head on over and sign up! You can also get to the project by clicking the "What I like about your blog" button on my right side navigation. Full outline / rules are on Heather's site.

In the spirit of improving my own blog, feel free to email me comments at or leave comments below. If you decide to take part in InspireMeHeather's project, leave a comment below letting me know, and make sure to be a follower of my blog.


  1. This sounds like a fun project! I am going to head over and check it out! Thanks for the info! BTW... I love your blog!

  2. What a neat idea Heather! Thanks for sharing ;)
    Here's my your blog! xo

  3. Thanks sweetie - the more the merrier!

  4. Thanks for letting me know about this. I signed up too! I'm a bit nervous but many of my fav bloggers (you included) are taking part so let's do it :)

  5. I'm curious to find out more about it so I'll take a look at Heather's blog (you're right that it's filled with amazing inspiration). I like the idea of hearing what could be improved but it may feed into my neurosis of trying to be perfect a bit too much.

  6. Love the idea. I am participating. Can't wait to hear what people think about my blog. Love yours, by the way.

  7. Great idea, I might have to participate. I love your blog because you are sincere, witty, and incredibly sweet. xoxo

  8. Oh I love this idea! Jumping over to check it out now, thanks for the tip!

  9. kinda cool idea.. kinda scary! thanks for sharing.

  10. wow...great idea. I could use some feedback!

  11. This is a fantastic idea! I hope that it works and people are constructive. Will be sure to check it out.

  12. SUCH a great idea, thanks for sharing. Not going to lie, I'm a little scared of the feedback but it can only make it better right? :) Totally going to do it.


Thanks for your comment - I love hearing what you have to say. ***Please*** make sure your email address is part of your profile so I can get back to you!