
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Paint feature - Style at Home

I hope you all are having a great weekend...this weekend is our first snowy one in Toronto all year! Yesterday I headed out early to take a friend shopping (so fun, and very successful!) and today will be the usually running around, laundry, and cooking some muffins for the week (I lead an exciting life I tell ya...).

I am catching up on my blog reading, and was happy to see the latest Style at Home online blogger feature published! I was featured in Style at Home's Bloggers Budget Decorating Ideas: How to Use Paint for my doormat:
You can see my step by step instructions in my original DIY Doormat post

I am featured with some other lovely bloggers who share an affinity for paint / spray paint and always have it at the ready. See the full feature here. I encourage you to check out the other bloggers that were included in this feature too: Crafty Bee, Decor Happy, Hodge:Podge, Cococozy, and Belle Maison.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. yeah congratulations on your feature!!

  2. Congratulations - a feature - that's so cool. Hope all is going well for you.

  3. How exciting is that!! I read it all and you're all inspring me to do something awesome.

  4. Thanks again for participating, Heather! It's always a pleasure to work with you and hear your creative decorating ideas :)

  5. Congrats! What kind of muffins are you making? I've been making cranberry oatmeal for too long!


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