
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DIY kitchen art or How to re-use a rice bag

I've got a REALLY simple little DIY for you guys - all you need is a frame and a rice bag...

This whole project started because we needed something to add life to a small wall between our kitchen and dining room. We were initially thinking a clock, but the one that I liked at HomeSense was $179...and I was hoping for something more along the $39.99 route. So, we went to Plan B!

I bought this rice a WHILE ago and we finally finished it (I totally bought it for the cute bag):
I thought the royal blue would look nice with the greys and whites in the kitchen.

Next I cut out the front of the bag:
I taped it onto the matte in the frame and voila - framed rice bag:

I cut a royal blue print that I picked up from Ikea into 2 smaller sizes and got them up on the wall - mission accomplished!


  1. What a cute idea!!
    Love this and the way yours turned out!

  2. ack! brilliant! i used to keep these exact bags cause i loved the look but couldn't figure out what to do with them....never had the brainwave to frame it! :)

  3. Wow! Great idea! It looks great!

  4. So cute, simple and original... Looks great too! :)

  5. Really cute! Looks sophisticated under glass!

  6. Love this project Heather! So clever. xo

  7. That is brilliant girl!! great job! A little indian touch!! hahahah

  8. Great idea! I bet the texture looks great in real life.

  9. LOVE THIS!!! Oh my goodness, so COOL!! And who would think to frame a rice bag?! (except you!)

  10. This is such an fantastic idea --the texture of the bag really adds to the effect. It looks like something you got on exotic travels!

  11. What a great idea! It looks awesome!

  12. That looks great! I'm going to have to start buying rice in cute bags from now on too :)

  13. Heather, I absolutely love this idea!! You know next time I'm at the store, I'm going to buy some fancy rice!
    Love your photograph too with the tiled background. Beautiful!


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