
Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday faves - funnies

While watching Jeopardy last night during dinner (I know, I know...but our dining table is covered with china and crystal from our china cabinet which had to be moved for couch dinner it was!) I saw 2 of the FUNNIEST commercials. Not funny as in actual comedy...but funny as in they were for real and the Mr. and I thought they were the most preposterous things:

Cindy Crawford Home...
Denim sofa via - Come on.


via (via IHOP)

This is in honour of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax. Note to self - never, NEVER build a menu based on the elaborate imagination of Dr. Seuss. By the way...if you were wondering, because we sure were, what the blueberry cone cake is? Well, it's a pancake shoved in a waffle cone with blueberry syrup. Obviously.

Happy weekend all - may you not run into either of these atrocities!

PS - I just finished the Hunger Games. SO GOOD. If you've read it don't give anything away in the comments...but can't you just not wait for the movie?


  1. Hi, I'm a new reader :) Thanks for checking out my blog the other day!
    We used to hang out at a frat house in college and they had a denim couch! I'm sure I have pictures of it somewhere that I can prove this to you - they bought it at a yardsale for like $30 or something. Too funny!

    I definitely can't wait for the HG movie! I'm about half way through book #2 Catching Fire right now. Everyone is talking about this series.

  2. Love the Hunger Games, just about finished with the first one and can not wait for the movie!


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