
Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday faves: PicMonkey

Do you use PicMonkey? It is an online photo editing software with a tagline of "Fearless photo embetterment".

Love it!

Basically it's free, dead easy to use, and has a great range of effects. I've used it mainly to do collages for the 'ol blog like these:

PicMonkey provides templates for collages and lets you overlay collages or photos with text, or labels like the crumpled paper below

PicMonkey is SO easy to use and I love the collage options it offers! Here is what the dashboard looks like:

There are also a range of photo editing tools that you can use to touch up your photos, or add instagram-ish effects to them. The options really are varied and broad.

I think it adds a lot to photos, so if you have some time to play around with it head on over! Otherwise, have a great July weekend everyone :)

*Full disclosure: I was not sponsored for this post, I just think it's a really good product and wanted to let people know about it!


  1. I'll have to check it out -- thanks!!

  2. I use Photocsape. Sounds similar to Pic Monkey.

  3. Awesome alternative to PIcnik! Thanks!

  4. hey cool! i use photobucket, but it leaves a lot to be desired i think. i'll have to try this out!

  5. I will have to check that out! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Thanks for sharing this! I've been looking for a new collage creator, not that I use collages that often, but because perhaps I should be using collages more often. I used the Photobucket tool for my recent West Elm post, but it was time consuming to use. I will definitely have to check out PicMonkey!


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