Owen turned 6 months on Sunday.
That’s half a year, people. Half a year is a LONG time. It’s amazing how quickly this past half a year flew by.
“The days are long but the years are short”. I want time to
slow down. I want to be able to soak in all of these moments with Owen – firsts
only happen once and I don’t want to miss a thing.
These past six months have been a combination of joy, a huge
amount of love, tears, laughs, hard work, and a sense of accomplishment, pride
and love I never knew existed. I think most of the time I have been trying to
figure out our little bean, just in time for him to change and move on to a new
phase. I need to stop trying to figure everything out, wishing away the current
phase, and just be in the moment.
Owen is so much fun – it’s amazing to see him learn – he’s
into looking at his hands and you can see the wheels turning in his little head
that HE controls THESE things. So cool. And then he invariably grabs something
with the utmost precision (usually my hair) and rams it in his mouth. Success. :)
He has changed so much in the past six months, but still
looks like the little guy we brought home that sunny day in September. His hair
is lighter (and longer, we’ve had to give him 4 trims already!), he’s bigger,
and he has a whole array of expressions, sounds and movements. I love seeing
his smiley personality shine through.
I can’t wait to see all the new changes the next six months
bring, and at the same time I want to pause everything to really soak it in.