
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday faves - blogging love

I have received a lot of blog lovin' these past couple of weeks! Thank you to everyone who stops by to read my blog - I really do appreciate it and hope that you find something on here you love that keeps you coming back.

I was fortunate enough to receive a number of blog awards recently. I received one a little while ago, where I followed the rules and shared 7 things about myself - you can see that post here if you missed it.


Today, I think it's more important to return the favour and highlight the people who rewarded me -- make sure to pop on over and check out their blogs:

The Design Pages - Carol's blog is a constant source of inspiration and even more so since she just moved! She provided inspiration for my painted curtains, and I love checking in to see what she's up to.

Flutter Flutter - Rosa always has something interesting going on, whether it's food, travel, or design inspiration

House Pretty - Amelia's blog is fairly new to me, but she is very active on Twitter and the blog and I love hearing about her experiences reno'ing and DIY projects in her new-to-her house.

White Cabana - I met Jordana at this summer's Design Blogger meet up and have drooled over her white-themed blog since.

There you have it - happy Friday with a bit of blog love.

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