
Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy blog-iversary to me!

Celebration Paper Flags/Hooray/Yay/Yipee/Yahoo

One little year ago I started this blog...

My first post is funnily lame, but I think (I hope) that I have improved a lot since a year ago. At the time, I figured everyone was doing it, so why not? It's funny, when I started this blog I was under the impression that "If I write it, they will come"...and I couldn't have been more mistaken. Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled to see readers from all over the world and am not quite sure how some people find me (I'm always astonished when I see in my stats that I have people from places like India, Indonesia, and Russia reading my blog AT THE SAME TIME). In reality, it requires a lot of effort in reaching out to others in blogland to get a diverse audience. The huge benefit to this is linking up with like-minded bloggers from around the world - some I have only "talked" to online, but I'm sure if we met in real life we'd be real friends. Others I HAVE met in real life...and we've become real friends!

Although blogging is a lot of work, I thoroughly enjoy it and most of all (time to get sappy friends), I appreciate the support and encouragement all you have to offer! So, I hope that you continue to stop by, comment, and give me suggestions of how to become a better blogger.

This week will focus on a little celebration of my blog, our home, and the projects we've done over the past year. Thanks for stopping by :)
Wedding Favor Gift Tags with Lace Trim Thank You


  1. Happy Blog-iversary!! My blog turned one on the 1st :) xo

  2. Happy 1 year!! you have a great blog and can't wait to see it going?

  3. Happy BLOGIVERSARY. Congrats on such a great year!! May year 2 be even better!

  4. Congratulations on your first year!!! There are so many of us one year bloggers!

  5. WOoohooo~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Interior Groupie! :)Keep up the great blog

  6. Congrats on your first anniversary! I'm glad you stumbled on my blog so I could find yours.I'm your 90th follower!

    I can really relate to your sentiments about blogging: the wildness of seeing someone on the other side of the planet reading your blog, how linking up makes a big difference, and the blog "friends" out there.

    Loved this post. I look forward to reading more!

    All the best,

  7. Happy Birthday to your blog! Congrats! My one year anniversary is on Friday (great minds think alike?)! I am very much looking forward to reading more!

  8. A big accomplishment and congrats to you! I saw that Lindsey tweeted about this so I thought I'd come over and say hello. You're right about blogging it's so rewarding but also takes a lot of dedication and effort. A year is a big deal, so congrats and I'm excited to see what the next year brings.

  9. Happy blog-iversary!! Congratulations! Wishing you many more!!

  10. 1 year - fantastic! Congrats Heatherly, that's really impressive. To celebrate I think you really have to buy these now
    Ok, ok, that may be a bit extravagant... How about just downing the whole bottle of Champagne
    Indeed Veuve Clicquot is my fav too!
    I was trying to think of my favourite post, but really I just enjoy the overall package. I think you do a great job mixing it up, and always look forward to seeing you in my reader. I think the end tables you did I loved the most and I also think you have to install a gorgeous herringbone wood floor since I'm pretty sure you have shown me lots of pictures of them and I can't afford it so obviously have to live it vicariously through you.... That and all those "can feel the sun" vacation pics. Looking forward to year 2!

    PS I seem to remember that being bad-ass at math meant that we got to go to the library "unsupervised" for hours at a time....

  11. Yay, happy blogiversary Heather. I have loved following you for the last year and getting to know you better. I am certain that the next time I visit TO you and I will get a chance for a real life meeting:)


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