
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My blog: by the numbers

When I was putting together my blogiversary post I started thinking - how many things have I done this past year? You know, SMART-goal style, things have to be measurable. I'm a bit of a numbers person (I actually LIKED math - this is embarassing but my mom used to give me big subtraction and addition problems to do on long car rides...yah, I was THAT girl.)

I'm not such a math geek anymore, but I do like's my blog by the numbers for this year:

Cocktail Ring Ceramic - big bold handmade - NUMBER 1 - 2.9 inch
1 Canadian Design Bloggers meet-up (image via)

11x14 Photographic Print: "205"
205 posts (image via)

Pinned Image
36 DIY Posts - (Image via)

The number 14
14 Before and After posts (image via)

Countless minutes that I have spent blogging, reading blogs, pinning, and tweeting this year (image via)


  1. go girl!!! I admire your love for math. As much as I tried to love Math, Math always hated me.

  2. That is a great year!!! I'm a math girl too! Congrats on your blogiversary!

  3. .....and COUNTLESS fans an admirers! (including me!)

    Happy blogiversary!

  4. Happy blogiversary!! You've done a LOT in a year! I have a blogiversary coming up too - I love your idea to look at it by the numbers, maybe I'll try something like that too? Congrats on an awesome year!

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I love the math in this post cause I surely can't do it (you are talking to a girl who once got an F in math and was grounded for MOST of high school :)


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